Bootstrap Themes

Build Machine Learning Applications in minutes

Build datasets, train models, and deploy with No Code!

Machine learning made easy

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Bootstrap Themes

Quickly make datasets

Upload your data from any major cloud provider or locally

Leverage our model assisted labeling tool that learns from your data

Automatic dataset versioning lets you track how your data evolves

Our data health check stops you from making common oversights with your datasets

Training without the fuss

One click training is as easy as it gets

Gain insight into how your models evolve alongside your data

Our training dashboard helps you interpret how well your model performs and what data you can add to make it better

Quickly demo your model in browser after training
Bootstrap Themes

Deploy your model with ease

Deploy your model into a prebuilt webpage and quickly get it into user’s hands

Visualize your experiments and data to show stakeholders and get insights

Get custom reporting on how your model is handling real world data

Export your model into any of the industry standard formats